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Portfolio - Automation
Brake Material Tribo Tester
Brake Material Tribo Tester

Brake material tribo tester is used to evaluate the tribological properties of brake materials. The brake drum / disc is rotated at a known speed along with a known mass to simulate the inertia of the vehicle. The brake material is forced against the drum / disc at a known pressure and the torque generated during the process is acquired on to a PC. The number of braking cycles and braking time can be preset by the user. The parameters are PC controlled and the experimental results acquired on to a PC.

To rotate the brake drum / disc at a known speed along with a known mass to simulate the inertia of the vehicle to evaluate the tribological properties of the vehicle.

The Technology
Hardware: DAQ USB-6008
Software: LabVIEW

The Solution
Application receives analog input such as frictional force, normal load and temperature and digital inputs such as load, test type, cycles completed and emergency through DAQ card. Application sends 'Start' signal through digital output to start the test and data acquisition.

There are two type of tests namely Step1 and Step2. The brake drum is rotated at predefined speed and the brake material comes in contact based on timing in step1 and based on temperature in step2, to test the tribological properties. The acquired data is averaged for each cycle and it is stored into an excel file.

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