Air Retension Test System
This application is used to calibrate the fabricated material by giving certain pressure. When pressure is given by air pump, a fabric material within a cylinder is filled with air and the pressure is measured at initial stage and at final stage to test any leakages from the fabric. The fabric is checked in water and also in detergents.
To test the strength of fabric material in different pressure conditions under normal and inside water.
The Technology
Hardware: DAQ USB-6008
Software: LabVIEW
The Solution
Set of parameters like type of material used, inflation pressure, room temperature, room humidity etc. should be set before starting the test. Application sends digital output signal to start the test. Pressure is created from air pump and adjusts the pressure gauge to desired value. After certain duration, reduce the pressure to measure any leakages from the cylinder. If pressure does not maintain, inspect material for small leaks and tear. The same is also tested in water by pouring it in the cylinder after applying pressure. If bubbles appeared, inspect the material. Online graph 'Pressure vs Time' is plotted. User parameters data and acquired pressure data is stored in an excel file.